Saturday, November 22, 2008

IDA Pro Book Review

I just thought I would start out with a book review. Recently I finished reading the IDA Pro Book by Chris Eagle. Chris did an absolutely amazing job on this book. He clearly explains things even in simple terms so that even the beginners can understand the concepts he discusses through out the book. Advanced users will also benefit from reading this book. I sure did.

The book explains a lot of the undocumented features within IDA. From start to finish the book is a fun read and very informative. I learned a lot about IDA which is a tool I've been using for several years. After reading the book I feel I have a much better understanding of IDA and how it all works behind the scenes.

Several topics are covered in the book from basic usage of IDA starting with very simple examples, methods of creating signatures for statically linked libraries, dealing with structures and unions, cross references, and the book just gets progressively more in depth as you continue reading. Also, writing IDC scripts and Plugins using the IDA SDK is explained in great details with lots of useful sample code and examples.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who uses IDA Pro on a regular basis or plans on using it regularly. This is the best book published on the topic of IDA Pro and I've read a few others which do not even compare to the quality of this book.


vishal vishwakarma said...

thank u for posting such a good information
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